Council Approves $2.5 Million for Road Projects, See Which Roads Are on the List

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Funds to repair road in 2022 were approved by the City Council this week. The $2.5 million will go toward reconstructing four roadways in Watertown.

Department of Public Works Superintendent Greg St. Louis said the streets on the list for repairs this year are: Boylston Street (from Fairfield Street to Porter Street), Chester Street, Locke Street, and Chapman Street (from Main Street to Highland Avenue).

The work will include fully replacing the roadway surface, installing granite curbing and replacing sidewalks. The Council unanimously approved the funding.

In addition to these roadways, St. Louis said there is a separate fund of $1.5 million for longer roadways. The streets being studied right now are Highland Avenue and Morse Street, he added.

Councilor Lisa Feltner thanked her colleagues for approving the money for the 2022 road program, but wondered if the Council should look at increasing the amount devoted to this annual expense.

“I am wondering if we should increase this? I know costs are going up,” Feltner said.

14 thoughts on “Council Approves $2.5 Million for Road Projects, See Which Roads Are on the List

  1. Myrtle Street is very very busy. Main Street to Pleasant street traffic is heavy and dangerous with high speed drivers. Side walks are a mess, no curbs and deep sinking sewer with growing / sinking pot hole. Tar from street broken.

  2. With these funded road plans, Can we be sure to include plenty of wide planting strips—perhaps wider strips on one side of these streets.. many new trees planted to help mbeautify our barren streets, to help shade, cool, and increase our property values, and to help slow down the crazy high speed traffic?— and can we consider investing in a permeable pavement solutions instead of the non-eco concrete pavement that is the default? Let’s do this Watertown!!

    • The wider the strip the narrower the streets. The narrower the streets the more difficult to navigate our giant cars and trucks through the parked cars. Careful what you wish for.

      • Kind of like Highland ave between Lexington and Gilbert when they did it over, they paved over the planting strips. Coplaints were made but ignored and it looks bad with no trees.

  3. Alas, I must add little Taylor St. from Arsenal to Mt. Auburn-O’Reilly Body Shop to NY Diner. Seriously bumpy ride-my shock absorbers know all about it!

  4. Have You seen the mess they made on Lovell Road? Between gas and water line replacements, it looks like a patchwork quilt. Hoping we get a new surface soon. Been here 23 years and have yet to see much progress.

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