6 thoughts on “See How Watertown Voted in the 2022 State Primary

  1. Galvin is the last of the old time, old school, Kennedy-O’Neill Democrats. When he is gone, that whole era is finished. Enjoyed seeing Elizabeth’s Warren’s endorsements mean pretty much nothing.

    • True. That era is long passed. We now have women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ leaders in Massachusetts. It is now possible that up to five out of six constitutional officers in January will be women, including the first lesbian Governor and the first African-American Attorney General or Secretary of State. Sen. Warren is the first woman from Massachusetts in the U.S. Senate and won re-election to her seat in 2018 (defeating the current GOP nominee for Governor) by nearly 2-1. She seems to be doing ok. Some people welcome diversity and progress, and some fear it.

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