Photographer’s Images from Cuba on Display at Watertown Library

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Elizabeth Scully A photo taken in Havana, Cuba by Elizabeth Scully. Images from her trip are on display at the Watertown Library.

Photos that Elizabeth Scully took in Cuba will be on display through Sept. 30 at the Watertown Free Public Library, 123 Main St.

Scully travelled to Cuba in March 2015, and had the following account on her website.

“In 2014, I decided to take a photo workshop in Havana, Cuba with the photographer Peter Turnley.  I had always wanted to go to Cuba, and to be able to go with a group of photographers on a “People-to-People” trip to Havana with a pro like Peter seemed like a very exciting way to visit a place that’s been mostly off-limits to American tourism for so many decades.”

Elizabeth Scully

Elizabeth Scully shot this picture in 2015 on a trip to Cuba. An exhibit of her work is now on show at the Watertown Library.

“Because independent tourism to Cuba isn’t allowed by the US State Department, our days were spent connecting with Cuban people throughout Havana in various environments and photographing them: we visited a ballet school, an elementary school, an outdoor boxing gym, an open-air market, the neighborhood of Regla, and the very popular outdoor dance club ‘La Tropical.'”

The T. Ross Kelly Family Art Gallery is located on the second floor of the Watertown Free Public Library.

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