The Watertown Recreation Department opened registration for the Winter I Session, and has programs for kids, teens, and adults.
PreK Indoor Sports is available for ages 3-5, and for children in grades K-2 there is Jr All Sports. For students in grades 3-5 there is All Sports.
The Recreation Department also has No Bake Bonanza for youngsters in grades 1-2 and 3-5. Junior Creative Crafts is available for grades K-2, and Creative Crafts for grades 3-5.
Also this winter Recreation has program for young basketball players called Little Shooters for grades K-1. An intro to the basics of soccer, tee ball, and other games are available in Junior Mighty Mights for ages 3-4 and Mighty Mights for ages 5-6.
There are other sports programs for elementary and middle school students, such as Youth Wrestling and Youth Volleyball.
The Cops ‘n’ Rec program has futsal and floor hockey programs, and there are Middle School Fun & Games.
For a variety of sports, games and crafts there is Community Sports & Games.
High schoolers have a number of programs available including Wachusett Ski Program, Girls Volleyball, Futsal, and Ultimate Frisbee.
Multiple programs for adults will also be offered: Pickleball, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, and Men’s Basketball.
See the Watertown Recreation Winter Brochure by clicking here. Register online by clicking here.