A section of Arsenal Street on the east end of the major roadway in Watertown has been redesigned and will be repaved. The project is expected to run though mid-2024.
The call for bids put out by the City of Watertown on Dec. 22 is for a project including the reconstruction includes 3,422 feet of roadway from Arsenal Way to Greenough Boulevard, and will install traffic signals at four locations.
The full depth of the roadway will be replaced, and granite curbing and cement sidewalks will be installed. Drainage system modifications will also be made.
The sidewalks will have wheelchair ramps, and the project includes both removing trees and planting new ones.
Bids are due to the Watertown Purchasing Agent by Jan. 25, 2023, and the request for bids document calls for the work completed by June 30, 2024. See the call for bids here.
Very good.
In the meantime, is it too much to ask to put a stop to the crime at the Arsenal Mall and Arsenal Yards?
A police substation is needed in that area.
so I guess I’ll be avoiding Arsenal St as well as Mt. Auburn…It already takes way too long to go down Arsenal with all of the traffic lights, including the new one at Louise St. So now there will be FOUR more?
The invitation for bids notification states “traffic signal reconstruction”. The article states
” install traffic signals at four locations”. I’m assuming what is actually planned is replacing the existing lights with adaptive traffic signals that theoretically SHOULD alleviate the current traffic problems that have existed for eons due to the timing of the lights… especially at Upper Greenough Blvd.
If any new lights were to be installed, I would expect them to be at Lower Greenough and Arsenal. The failed to materialize Icubed plan included doing that.
The good new is that I didn’t see anything in the submission that called for eliminating any traffic lanes for a dedicated bus lane or bike lane… YET