Karen Centola Watertown High School students staged Anastasia as the spring musical in March.
Watertown’s young performers took the stage at the high school to present this year’s spring musical, Anastasia.
Karen Centola
The cast of Watertown High School’s Anastasia.
The cast and crew put on three performances of the musical adaptation of the 1997 film on March 10, 11 and 12.
Karen Centola
The cast and crew started preparing for the play in December, according to the preview by The Raider Times (click here).
Karen Centola
A scene from Anastasia at Watertown High School.
See the Cast and Crew below:
Photos provided by WHS parent Karen Centola.
Karen Centola
See more photos below:
Karen Centola
Karen Centola
Karen Centola
Karen Centola
Karen Centola
Karen Centola