Public Input on Comprehensive Plan to be Discussed Thursday by Planning Advisory Committee

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The Planning Advisory Committee will review the input on the Comprehensive Plan received from the public at a meeting on Thursday.

The Comprehensive Plan is being updated after being first adopted in 2015. It serves as the primary planning document for Watertown and covers a variety of areas including: economic development, housing, transportation, open space and recreation, and sustainability. The City held public forums on the plan in September and in March.

See more about the Comprehensive Plan update on the project webpage. See the draft of the Comprehensive Plan update here.

The public meeting will be virtual only at noon on April 27. The agenda includes: Review public feedback from the draft plan open house and online survey, and Present the comp plan review and adoption process.

The link to join the virtual meeting is:
The public may also join in audio only by phone at: (646) 876-9923 or (646) 93138609 (Toll
Free) and enter Webinar ID: Meeting ID: 912 9289 2586

3 thoughts on “Public Input on Comprehensive Plan to be Discussed Thursday by Planning Advisory Committee

  1. Perfect! The virtual only meeting/public hearing is being held at noon on Thursday, April 27. Was this meeting deliberately scheduled so that the “public i.e. residents and business owners” can’t attend? Could the agenda please indicate who is on this illustrious Planning Advisory Committee? And who is the Chair? Will the meeting be recorded?
    Again, so much for all the lip service regarding transparency and accountability. A tip to those of you who are working – grab your cellphones, iPads, or computers and head to your car, local park, break-room, or restroom and tune in. Don’t forget your headphones or earbuds. You don’t want to disturb anyone. And please don’t eat your lunch or flush during the Zoom meeting. Etiquette counts. Shame, Shame, Shame on all who are involved with this decision.

    • Elodia, you are quite right about the timing of this meeting; 12pm, on a Thursday, certainly isn’t the appropriate time for such an important meeting to be held. And the lack of details provided, such as, who the members of the Planning Advisory Committee are, is also very questionable and concerning. Transparency doesn’t seem to be the goal here.

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