The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
Aug 28, 12:48 a.m.: An officer on a traffic detail saw a vehicle with no headlights on and the hazard lights blinking driving on Mt. Auburn Street near Arlington Street. The vehicle struck the curb while pulled into the parking lot at 7-Eleven. When the vehicle left, the driver swerved across the double yellow line, and then went back onto the correct side. When the driver was pulled over, she got out she stumbled toward the cruiser. She had a smell of alcohol on her breath, and slurred her words. She said she had a glass of wine before driving. Field sobriety tests were conducted and she was placed under arrest. Sarah Cummings, 41, of Arlington, was charged with driving under the influence of alcohol and a marked lanes violation.
Aug. 28, 6 p.m.: A person parked an electric scooter in front of the sliding doors at Target, and went inside to go shopping. When the person returned 20 minutes later the scooter was gone. It had been left unlocked. Security footage shows a white woman, age 25-35 with red-brown hair get on the scooter and ride away. She was accompanied by a white male wearing a long-sleeved sweatshirt and blue jeans.
Aug. 31, 10:30 a.m.: A man was seen going into Best Buy and taking four Amazon Fire Sticks. He placed them in a bag and left the store. They were worth $55 each. The description of the suspect was released and the man was identified by Cambridge Police. A warrant was requested for the 23-year-old Cambridge resident.
Aug 31, 1:45 p.m.: Five women were seen entering Target and loading two shopping carts with merchandise. They left the store without paying for at least $1,000 worth of items, including a suitcase and clothing. The suspects were described as Black females in their late teens or early 20s. Police are investigating.
Aug. 31 at 5:30 p.m.: A man walked into Roche Bros., took a reusable shopping bag, and stole at least 11 items worth a total of $124. The suspect is described as a Black male with long red hair, wearing a red shirt and white pants. Police are investigating.
Aug. 31, 6 p.m.: Target conducted an investigation of an employee over several months and determined she had taken multiple items, including food, drinks, and a Dyson vacuum. They were worth a total of $624. The 26-year-old woman from Brighton was summoned to Waltham District Court on a charge of larceny under $1,200.
Aug. 31, 7:30 p.m.: A resident reported that she had been the victim of a scam. She tried to purchase a kitten from a website. The company appeared to be in New York, and the website had photos, customer reviews, and shipping and tracking information. The resident spoke to a person she believed to be the owner on the phone. She arranged to pay $1,925 over Apple Pay to buy the kitten and have it flown from New York to Boston. The payment included shipping fee, pet insurance, a plane ticket, and a crate fee. The day that the kitten was supposed to arrive came, but the resident did not receive any delivery. The resident received a text from the person saying, “Hello. I’m sorry to disappoint you but there is no kitten. You won’t be receiving any kitten. I will have to block you now. I hope you don’t ever think about this, just accept the fact that you felt (sic) into the scam and move on. Goodbye.” Police are investigating.
Sept. 1, 4:30 p.m: A man locked up a mountain bike on the rack outside Target. The man walked around the area and returned two hours later. The lock had been cut and the bike was gone. The grey Kendall bike was valued at $800.