NEW TIME: Two Chances to Hear from Council President Candidates

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(Note: The time of the Chamber’s debate has changed. See the new time below)

The two candidates for City Council President will appear in a pair of candidate events this week.

WCA-TV & Watertown News Hosting Live Forum

On Wednesday, Oct. 11, Watertown Cable News, Watertown Cable Access Corp and Watertown News will host an election forum featuring the two candidates running for City Council President.

Incumbent Mark Sideris is being challenged by former Town Council President Clyde Younger. The two will answer questions during a forum at the Watertown Free Public Library‘s Watertown Savings Bank Room on Wednesday, October 11th at 6 p.m. The library is located at 123 Main St. Residents are invited to submit questions to the candidates by emailing

The forum will also be broadcast live on WCA-TV’s Public Channel.

Charles River Regional Chamber Hold Remote Debate

Watertown City Council President debate
Mark Sideris vs. Clyde Younger
Thursday, Oct. 12, 1 to 1:45 p.m.
Via Zoom, Free

Join the chamber for a debate between the two candidates running for president of the Watertown City Council on Nov. 7: Incumbent Mark Sideris and former town council president Clyde Younger. The focus of the debate will be economic development issues but there will be some general topic questions as well as questions from attendees. Chamber President Greg Reibman will moderate. This debate will be via Zoom and will be recorded and shared after the event.

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