Police Log: Man Arrested for Unarmed Robbery, Multiple Checks Stolen Out of Mail

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The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.

May 15, 3 p.m.: A woman mailed her electric bill to Eversource in April, putting it in a mailbox at School Street and Putnam Street. On May 15, she received a message from Rockland Trust saying her account was overdrawn. She saw that a check had been altered and made out to Khamarin Wizard and for $19,700. Police and the bank are investigating.

May 15, 4:15 p.m.: A man parked his moped on Arlington Street at 6:45 a.m., and when he went back at 3:45 p.m. it was gone. He reported the theft to Police, who are investigating.

May 16, 12 p.m.: A Nike employee noticed an empty shoe box on the display wall. Looking at security video, a man was seen grabbing a pair of shoes out of a box, and taking a backpack off the rack. He put the shoes and a pair of slides into the backpack and left with a total of $210 in merchandise.

May 16, 4 p.m.: A resident of Mt. Auburn Street got a call from Citibank about a person attempting to deposit a check from her business account. It had been flagged as fraudulent after the pay t0 line was changed, and it was increased to $8,763. The bank stopped the deposit, which was attempted at a bank branch in a Stop & Shop in Peabody.

May 17, 4:30 a.m.: A man arranged to meet a guy to purchase an iPhone on Mt. Auburn Street. The victim agreed to pay in cash but didn’t have enough, so he went to an ATM machine. After taking out the money, the suspect grabbed the money and ran away. Police were contacted and officers stopped the man and identified him. Phillip Malaguti, 40, of Boston was summoned to Waltham District Court for unarmed robbery.

May 17, 5 p.m.: A woman reported that she received a pop up on her computer screen which said she should contact Watertown Savings about an issue with a purchase. She got a number to call and she spoke to what she thought was technical support. They told her that she owed $9,750 to Pornhub.com. She was told they could not refund her, and she should purchase gift cards. She purchased $6,550 in gift cards at multiple locations. She called back and provided the serial numbers from the gift cards. She became suspicious and called Watertown Savings, where someone said there was no employee with the name of the person she spoke with, and that it was a scam.

May 17, 5:30 p.m.: A scooter was taken from the rear entrance of the Watertown Mall. The high-speed electric scooter is valued at $240.

May 18, 10:30 a.m.: A grey Trek mountain bike was taken from an address on Arsenal Street. The bike is valued at $1,700. It was locked with a one-inch cable lock, which was cut.

May 18, 3:30 p.m.: A check was placed in a mailbox at the corner of School Street and Putnam Street. Rockland Trust contacted the resident to say the check had been forged, and made out to someone called Derwin Ain for $14,200.

May 19, 3 p.m.: Two women went into Target and stole clothing items valued at $202.

May 19, 8:30 p.m.: A man in his 20s concealed items from Target in a backpack and left without paying. They were valued at $200.

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