City Manager’s Zoning Presentation TONIGHT! See How to Tune-in and Participate

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Ahead of the June 13 Watertown Square Area Plan meeting, City Manager George Proakis will be speaking about what zoning can and cannot do in Massachusetts during a live broadcast with a Q&A time on Monday at 6 p.m.

The City provided the following information about the event:

Watch City Manager George Proakis present about zoning live at 6 p.m. on June 3, 2024, on Watertown Cable Access! City Manager Proakis will present about how zoning works, how it can benefit and shape the community, its limitations, and much more! Following the presentation, he will sit down to answer questions with the WCATV team before answering questions submitted directly by the Watertown residents!

You can watch the presentation live online.

You can submit any questions you have about zoning.

Last week, the City sent out the documents for the joint Hearing of the City Council and Planning Board on June 13 at 6 p.m. at Watertown Middle School Auditorium, 68 Waverley Ave. View the Watertown Square Area Plan document here (PDF). See more info about the meeting by clicking here.

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