Nearly 500 people packed the Hellenic Center for the 25th annual Watertown Unity Breakfast, a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. During the event, a group that advocates for affordable housing was honored, and Watertown’s Police Chief made a statement about the WPD’s stance on enforcing federal immigration policy.
Monday’s Unity Breakfast, organized by World in Watertown, was the first one held in person since the COVID-19 Pandemic. Attendees saw a video on the history of the Unity Breakfast. It started after Watertown’s first attempt at creating a Human Rights Commission was voted down by the City Council. It was envisioned as a way to bring “all kinds of people together in Watertown.”
The first year, 2001, 150 people attended the event held at the Phillips Congregational Church on Mt. Auburn Street, and now it regularly attracts more than 400 people. See the video by clicking here.
The last few years the Unity Breakfast was held virtually, with a video produced by Watertown Cable News Producer Dan Hogan that included the Unity Award winner, the student essay contest winners, and a keynote speaker.
In 2025, rather than having a keynote speaker, each table held a discussion about the Kingian Principles of Nonviolence, many of which were led by Watertown Public Schools students.
The breakfast started with a prayer led by Rev. Sophia Lyons of First Parish of Watertown, and a land acknowledgement from Claudia Fox Tree, from the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, who also spoke about the effort to change the Massachusetts flag.
Police Chief’s Message

Watertown Police Chief Justin Hanrahan said he recently spoke to World in Watertown members Will Twombly and Bevin Croft, who wanted to know what the Watertown Police Department’s stance is on federal immigration policy.
“As a new police chief, I understand why they and many of you may be concerned about where I stand on such matters. I know there are worries about the federal immigration policies, but please be rest assured that it’s not the role of the Watertown Police Department, or actually any local police department of Massachusetts, to enforce those regulations,” Hanrahan said. “Our duty is to protect and serve everyone who lives, works or visits our city, no matter where they were born or where they call home. Dr. King taught us the power of unity, empathy, and standing up for one another. In that spirit, the role of the Watertown Police Department is to keep our community safe, and serving and protecting everyone in keeping with our commitment to serve and protect all.”
Hanrahan also introduced recent additions to the Police Department, the members of the Cadets program. They are college students interested in law enforcement who will be part of the WPD’s community policing program. They are distinguishable for wearing tan uniforms, rather than the black ones worn by sworn police officers.
Unity Award

The Unity Award can go to an individual or an organization in Watertown that works in the community embodies the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, a commitment to racial, social and economic equality, respect for diversity, and advocating for those who are experiencing economic and political injustice. This year’s honoree was Housing for All Watertown.
Xin Peng, chair of the World in Watertown, said that the group is relatively new, but has been working on one of the biggest issues facing the community: affordability of housing.
“Housing for All Watertown, World in Watertown, and our new City Human Rights Commission recognize that having safe and secure housing is a basic right for all people,” Peng said. “Adequate housing has an enormous impact on the overall physical and emotional well being of everyone, often keeping families together. Housing for all Watertown has made community education around this basic human right a big part of its mission.”
In a video about Housing for All Watertown, members said that they have heard from Watertown educators who have seen families doubling up in homes, living in cars, and that the Senior Center received 13 calls in one month from seniors facing eviction because they could not pay the rent.
The group has been visible at City meetings, as well as holding social events for members and supporters.
Housing for All Watertown Member Rita Colafella thanked the World in Watertown for the award, and said that group tries to give supporters a platform to express their views.
“Beyond Dr. King’s great mind and works, he recognized that the secret to any successful movement is to get people involved, and that’s what Housing for All Watertown has done by getting people involved,” Colafella said “It’s not just saying ‘I don’t like this,’ or ‘I want to change that.’ You need to show up, and we provide that for our members: opportunities to show up, say what we want, come into the community and get things moving.”
Student Essays
The winning essays from the Watertown Middle School and Watertown Middle School student essay contest were read during the Unity Breakfast. More than 200 students submitted essays detailing their experiences of either facing social injustice or being inspired by those who have taken on the work of creating a more just society, said Kraig Gustafson, the Watertown Schools’ Social Studies Coordinator for grades 6-12, who has facilitated the essay contest for many years.
High school winner Dylan Duong wrote about a time in elementary school when one of his friends called him a racial slur during a game of kickball. He reacted by pushing the boy and it turned into a fight. Afterward, both ended up getting in trouble at school.
“The comment hurt because it was about my race, something I couldn’t change. My reaction was to defend myself by pushing him. I felt that fighting back was the only way to get revenge on him. But instead of solving the problem, the shove made everything worse. Both of us ended up in trouble, and we both felt worse afterward,” Duong said. “I learned that violence doesn’t solve anything, it just creates more problems. Looking back, I see how Dr. King’s teachings on nonviolence could have helped me. Dr. King believed that non violence was not about being weak, but about taking strong, peaceful action to fight injustice. He thought we should respond to hate with love and understand the other person, rather than going straight to violence. If I had known about these principles at the time, I would have probably not pushed them. There were other ways to stand up for myself without going to violence.”
Middle school winner Erika Days’ essay was read by a friend. Days wrote about her experience coming out at school, and about hearing how some students called her names behind her back, and one yelled a homophobic slur while she was walking through the hallway at school.
“It disgusts me how many LGBTQIA+ people have to go through the horrendous things that homophobic people say or do to them on a daily basis. For anybody who has ever looked into a mirror and seen their beautiful self and thought, I wish I was different, I wish I was someone else. You are perfect. You do not deserve to suffer because of who you were born as,” Days wrote. “During the Civil Rights Movement, people fought for equal rights to vote. They fought to put a stop to segregation and fought for the promise that was written in the Constitution, constitution, all men are equal. They did this by holding peaceful protests, organizing sit ins and boycotts. They used non violence to fight back.
“In my situation, I was also fighting for equal rights for every person. The principle of nonviolence I followed holds that suffering can educate and transform. Nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation. In this situation, I could have turned around and yelled hurtful words back, but I decided to leave them alone, because nobody deserves to suffer, even if they have done some horrible act to another.”
Throughout the Unity Breakfast, Watertown students read Dr. King’s quotes, and music was provided by the Watertown High School Jazz Band, and the Watertown Public Schools All-City Chorus.
Breakfast was provided by Wicked Bagel. Sponsors of the 25th Annual Unity Breakfast include the Watertown Community Foundation, Watertown Savings Bank, Point32Health, the Watertown Cultural Council, Friends of Project Literacy, Mount Auburn Cemetery, Perfection Auto, and Toyota of Watertown.
This was a wonderful event! World in Watertown did an excellent job. The Hellenic Center was a nice large venue and Wicked Bagel provided a very nice breakfast – places to patronize!
Housing for All Watertown is so grateful for the recognition from a group that has done so much for the community over the past two decades. Great works don’t just occur.
I forgot to mention that on Sunday, February 23rd, in the afternoon at the Watertown Free Public Library, Housing for All Watertown will have a forum entitled, “What Will it Take to Build 100% Affordable Housing in Watertown/” More details to come. To find out more about us or join us, please go to https://www.housingforallwatertown.org/
I understand President Trump intends to deport the “worst first”: alien criminals here illegally. I absolutely expect the Watertown PD to assist that effort in order to “keep our community safe”, as Chief Hanrahan put it. Criminal gangs have taken over other communities; being terrorized by MS-13 or Tren de Araguas is a choice. Let’s choose otherwise. Dr. King believed in non-violence. The cartels very much do not.
The Police Chief made clear that he will do his job, not the federal government’s job. Given that Trump is already issuing unconstitutional executive orders (birthright citizenship ban at the top of the list), he and his minions will spend more time in the courts than terrorizing immigrants. No serious person wants to allow criminals to remain here. Sadly, we have elected one (a convicted felon) to be our President.
I admit I didn’t think keeping Watertown safe from violent criminals would be a tough sell. Not the first time I’ve been wrong.
It’s not a tough sell and not a problem. WPD has got it. I can imagine they may not feel supported since our new President is pardoning cop killers right out of the gate. And yes, not the first time at all.
Contrary to what the self-appointed constitutional scholar asserts here, the executive orders are not “unconstitutional” until the issues are resolved by the Courts.
As to “birthrights”, it’s about time we get rid of jus soli and adopt jus sanguinis like most of the rest of the world has. Let’s test “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”. Shall we?
I would also like to recognize Richard Marcus, who started having conversations with Chief Lawn back in 2015, I believe, about the Watertown Police not doing the job of ICE. As an Austrian refugee, he loved the US and wanted to give back to it, and give others the sanctuary that US gave him and his.family some 80 years ago.
Agreed, Ms. Colafella, that we must distinguish between refugees from Nazism and Communism 80 years ago and the criminal gangsters, sleeper agents, drug runners, and human traffickers that slip across our borders in unknown numbers today. Thank you for pointing that out vital difference.
I made no such distinction. I welcome all refugees regardless of where they come from, as did Richard. Richard wanting to make Watertown a sanctuary city, especially for those from south of the border.
That you make no distinction between refugees from the Holocaust and violent criminals taking advantage of a nonexistent border and zero enforcement of laws passed by elected representatives is my mistake. I apologize. I do make that distinction, which must have been the reason for my misunderstanding. I assure you it won’t happen again.
“. . .the criminal gangsters, sleeper agents, drug runners, and human traffickers that slip across our borders in unknown numbers today. . .”
There is no proof that significant numbers of the above are among refugees and migrants crossing our borders today. These are only irresponsible hate based assertions.
The majority are folks who are escaping dire situations back home or are simply seeking a better future. Like it or not, they are playing a role in our economy taking jobs that most native don’t care to take.
There’s actually proof straight from the CPB. Arrests of criminals with prior convictions by year:
17: 8831
18: 6698
19: 4269
20: 2438
21: 10763
22: 12028
23: 15267
24: 17048
Whats irresonsible is claiming something is without proof, by frankly, having no idea what you are talking about.
The report you mention is accurate to the point of previous crimes, not the nature of those crimes. So the calling out of hysterical language from our President and MAGA in general is entirely appropriate. Of course, he’s too busy pardoning cop killers to care.
Thank you, Ken, for providing proof when it is sorely needed when it comes to this topic, including the link to breakdown of crimes posted below. Some of us seek to be educated by additional information, rather than to wear partisan blinds like those who are limited to condemn everything the current Administration is doing.
Numbers without context mean nothing. I don’t think that you know what you are talking about. The situation is more complicated than you think. Troublesome, but complicated. Simple sound bites aren’t analysis or solutions.
This just in. And you would prefer that this enforcement would not happen? Well, it does not matter. It will happen anyway, and hopefully to all illegal aliens – while DEI (or DEIB, or DEIA, whatever) slowly goes away as well.
“ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrests over 460 aliens that include criminal histories of sexual assault, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, drugs and weapons offenses, resisting arrest and domestic violence.
Agents arrested nationals from a slew of countries including Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Senegal and Venezuela.”
Where do you get this information? It is meaningless without a source And, who that source is. If this source of your “information” is working for the current liar in Chief, then they too are likely to be a liar as well. You know what sounds like it’s all a lie – ““ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrests over 460 aliens that include criminal histories of sexual assault, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, drugs and weapons offenses, resisting arrest and domestic violence.
Agents arrested nationals from a slew of countries including Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Senegal and Venezuela.”
You misread me, Joe: I don’t hate. Perhaps you are projecting. I decry the lawless border out of sympathy, not least for the illegal immigrants themselves. Who’s looking out for them among the predators? Not the government: the Inspector General at DHS reported only five months ago that we have no idea what’s happened to thousands of unaccompanied minors, or even how many thousands there are. Children, Joe! Vanished! Even “children in cages” are safer than children disappeared. Women and other vulnerable people are also at risk. I heard a public service announcement on the radio only last week urging us to be on the lookout for trafficked people among landscapers, nannies, etc. Don’t let your denial allow human exploitation to continue.
Sorry Josh, you support folks who use lies and hatred to get people riled up rather than thinking. If you support them, you can’t disassociate from their evil means.
Are you in favor of pardoning folks who attack police? Do you think Trump cares about anyone’s children? Of course he doesn’t.
There should have been comprehensive immigration legislation decades ago. I might share some of your concerns, but the right in this country is running on pure sadism. Not for me. I’ll look for solutions elsewhere.
Dear Josh Passell,
It would appear that you are not aware that the new president has made up the idea that we are being invaded by criminal gangs sneaking into the country to eat our cats and dogs.
Donald trump lies every time he opens his mouth. You might want to make a note of that.
Actually, the criminal gangs sneaked into our country to murder, rape, assault, steal, and traffic people and drugs, among other things. They are not known for gastronomy, so I am not sure about the cats and dogs bit – but who knows?
Criminal gangs typically prey on their own vulnerable people first and foremost. You can bet they—the criminals and their victims—have made a note of that.
The lies are clear and public and documented. The shock is that MAGA supports him anyway.
Responding to your note that the report about arrests doesn’t report the nature of the crimes, when yes, it actually does. You’re obviously not familiar with the topic.
So according to CBP, arrests were drastically down in the final two quarters of the Biden administration.
That would coincide with violent crime being down generally as well.
What lies? Please elaborate.
Regardless, at least we support a President that can speak, hold press conferences, walk, etc ., unlike the impaired, unintelligible WH occupant for the last four years. Bye, bye.
They literally don’t care.
“These people” care a lot about what [really] matters. Such as removing illegal aliens from our country, getting rid of DEI in our Armed Forces (oh, yes, the horror), etc. It is exhilarating, not “exhausting”. But, then again, À chacun son goût.
Enjoy the ride.
Seems to me that MAGA is primarily fixated on bigotry, sadism, misanthropy, misogyny and greed.
Not exactly a healthy outlook.
Please Erik, the lies are very well documented. Haitians eating folks dogs and cats, for instance. What positive outcome could there be from saying something like that.
I would prefer Biden any day because he is a decent human being who will surround himself with good people. The current occupant of the White House is a narcissistic sociopath. I value decency and humanity.
What good will come of cutting Medicare and child cancer research in order to give wealthy people tax cuts? I can’t see the benefit.
We are wasting our breath with these people. The billionaires own Trump. He’s pardoned cop killers from January 6th. He’s rolling back civil rights protections back to the 1960s, His new tax cut proposal raises taxes for single parents, college scholarships, and homeowners. And on it goes. He threatened tariffs for any foreign leader who even looks at him the wrong way. It’s exhausting. And we have a long road ahead.
Oh, I understand how you feel. But you are not alone; misery loves company:
“ Former Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz said in a new interview on Tuesday that it’s been “pure hell” since his party lost the presidential election last November.”
“Schadenfrede” you wrote. What’s that? Maybe you meant Schaden Fredo? I wasn’t referring to Chris Cuomo, however.
Kindly do your own research and find the sources by yourself. They are there.
I am checking right now for your sources about Mr. President Donald J. Trump lying “every time” he speaks. Not much luck so far…
Oh please. . .don’t be disingenuous. Growing up in the New York area, I have been reading about Trump since I was a teenager. He has been, and is, a habitual liar, among other detestable characteristics.
Perhaps you are just infatuated with his hostility and general hatefulness. I find it hard to believe that you approve of his behavior, but whatever. You’re good with pardoning folks who attack cops?
If you doubt me, go to Atlantic City and mention his name. You won’t get a very good reaction.
I actually intended to address the research comment to David Aitcheson; sorry about that. Nevertheless, Joe’s comments are amusing to read. And revealing, NY, uh?
And you are probably OK with Biden’s commutations and pardons. Right?
And no. I am not faux-naïf. I thought you could tell.
Thank you to World in Watertown, the other sponsoring organizations, and the many volunteers who made the annual MLK Unity Breakfast such a success!
From Boston.com, Hallelujah:
Federal officials in the Boston area have reportedly arrested several undocumented immigrants whose criminal backgrounds put them on U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s radar. […] Individuals taken into custody Wednesday included members of MS-13, an international criminal gang, and some individuals who had Interpol Red Notices out for their arrest. […]
[O]ne man — purportedly a gang member from Haiti with 17 criminal convictions — could be heard yelling, “I’m not going back to Haiti” and “F*** Trump, you feel me? Yo, Biden forever, bro” as he was taken into custody.
MS-13… Interpol Red Notices… “Biden forever”… what a blessed day.
Enjoying every second of it. The catch and not release era is finally here. Thank you, Mr. President Trump; it’s good to have a live body in the WH.
Perhaps enjoying it a bit too much?
Yes! And why not? You bring schadenfreude to a previously unknown higher level.
Here are more CBP stats for you:
Trump’s administration deported
935,346 out of 1,979,210 illegal immigrants during his first term in office.
Biden’s administration deported
544,768 out of 7.4 million illegal immigrants during his term in office.
Amazing that a “decent human being who will surround himself with good people” (such as Mayorkas and Harris, I guess) has been able to do so much harm to this country.
And yes, please go look for solutions elsewhere; it is highly encouraged.
Schadenfrede? Me? I think you’ve got it backwards.
Innocents will suffer along with criminals in the MAGA hysteria. I don’t rejoice in that. I don’t see racism as a reasonable position.
Removing dangerous criminals before they can harm more innocent victims? That never gets old. I wish President Biden had tried it more often. I think that’s why President Trump won.
He also won because the voters got tired of the puppet masters running the WH as a Star Chamber. Some are well known, others not so much:
Obama, Clinton/Podesta, Zients, Rice, Donilon, Dunn, Zients, O’Malley Dillon, Reed, among others. Surprisingly, Valerie Jarret stayed away; I guess she was too busy with the Obama Foundation.
I don’t think the puppet misses them — or even remembers them by now.
Black is white. White is black. Truth is lies. Lies are truth. Orwellian comment.
I’ll bet you are thrilled with the Orange One’s oafish handling of the DC air crash.
Joe they live for this kind of chaos apparently. And now all the migrants are apparently going to Guantanamo. There’s a real sickness in the body politic and Trump and MAGA are just feeding it. They lie about a non-existent mandate for all of this. And meanwhile gas and egg prices continue to rise. Priorities!
Interesting, Paul, that you agree with me (as I told you we did): the body politic wants this—77.3 million bodies anyway. We don’t agree that it’s a sickness, however: the country just wants its sovereignty back. I was never for Trump until he spoke about illegal immigration. Then I couldn’t be for anyone else. I’ll gladly pay another monthly or two of Bidenflated bacon and eggs to see him save the country from Leftist insanity.
In fact, we were forced to live in chaos for four years under the Biden administration. Glad to see all those Cabinet members gone and being replaced by the current ones. I am enjoying the Committee meetings immensely – and the Senate votes confirming new members even more. Oh, the happiness!
No migrants are going to Guantanamo or elsewhere, illegal aliens are.
Check the eggs and gas prices in 2022 and 2023, along with other everyday items. Go back and see when they started to rise. Oh, everything was so beautiful and perfect under President Biden.