Watertown Firefighters Douse Flames on Roof of Building on Grove Street

The Watertown Fire Department put out a fire on the roof of an office building in East Watertown on Wednesday. 

Welding sparks ignited some insulation foam on the roof of 65 Grove Street, said Watertown Fire Capt. Ryan Nicholson. “We had to open up a significant area around the point of ignition to ensure the fire hadn’t spread,” Nicholson said. The blaze did not spread beyond the roof. The building was recently renovated building that will have several tenants, including Bosch Thermotechonlogy.

Developer, School Collaborate to Make Grove Street Project Approvable

The first time developers of the former GE Ionics Building on Grove Street came to the Planning Board they met loud opposition because the plan had hundreds of cars exiting onto a residential street, but they worked with their neighbor – the Atrium School – to come up with a solution. Wednesday night, Cresset Grove LLC presented a new plan that would have all cars from the 135,000 square foot office building come and and leave via Grove Street. The agreement became official just the night before the Planning Board meeting when the Atrium School School Committee approved the new plan, said Ed Nardi, president of the Cresset Group. The driveway for the Grove Street project was too narrow to allow cars to enter and exit, so they had to ask the school if they could share their driveway. Silvia Nerssessian, an Atrium parent and chair of the School Committee, said the school was pleased with the outcome, too.

Traffic Concerns Hold Up Plans for Old GE Site on Grove Street

Neighbors and members of the Planning Board like most parts of the plan to redevelop the GE Ionics site on Grove Street, but the traffic plans upset neighbors and the board, alike. Developer Cresset Grove LLC proposes to reduce the size of the existing building at 65 Grove St. and create a 134,000-square-foot office and research facility, with a multi-story garage. “The proposal encompasses an exciting facelift to an older structure which we think really reinvigorates the structure and reinvigorates the site itself,” said Bill York, the attorney representing the developers. The site has been unused since 2010 when GE move out.