LETTER: Resident Responds to Endorsement of 7 of 8 Town Councilors


To the Editor:

I have been told that John Airasian has done many good deeds for the town of Watertown. For those things I thank him. But his recent letter, with an endorsement of seven of the eight incumbent candidates for Town Council, was not one of them. Based on a single issue, and tacitly snubbing one of Watertown’s finest citizens in the process, it was a irresponsible and misguided statement.

At a time when so many profoundly critical issues face our town, no political endorsement should be based on a single issue. And when one of Watertown’s most caring and decent political leaders is denigrated in the process, it smacks of ulterior motives.

I have known Councillor Palomba for several years and have worked with him closely with him on issues of transportation. No reasonable person could doubt Tony’s love of his town, his townsfolk and his fellow man. Tony approaches his work as a town councilor with dedication, character and a strong sense of moral principle. He is guided by a thirst for justice and fairness and a desire to make life better in our town and the wider world. There is no Watertown citizen more deserving of our votes.


Joseph Levendusky
Templeton Parkway

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