Gail Simmons of the Boston 9/11 Truth group wrote up this account of the recent film showing in Watertown, featuring the founder of AE911 Truth.
On Nov. 19, Richard Gage, AIA, architect and founder of AE911 Truth, presented at the Watertown Library, his newest film “Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths” a collaboration with Erik Lawyer, a 14-year veteran of the Seattle Fire Department and founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth.
Throughout the film, Gage and Lawyer provide compelling evidence proving the official narrative to be false. They present forensic evidence, video footage, eyewitness testimony and a compilation of scientific facts that include the collapse of a third, 47 story skyscraper, WTC7, at free fall acceleration, not hit by a plane, in a manner identical to a controlled demolition. In addition, they cite several eye-witness reports and footage of explosions going off in the lower floors of the twin towers, footage and witness accounts of molten steel and the scientific fact that neither jet fuel nor office fires can reach the temperatures required to melt steel.
Eric Lawyer questions why the rubble was shipped immediately, before it could be analyzed, to China to be melted as scrap, in violation of evidence preservation rules. In addition, he raises the important issue of how a passport could have survived intact when almost everything else was pulverized to dust.
The film includes interviews with members of the 9/11 Commission Report admitting that they themselves doubted their own investigation stating that a full investigation was prevented by lack of time and funds. Only $15 million was allocated for the investigation of the biggest crime in U.S. history when $175 million was given to the Columbia Space Shuttle investigation and $39 million was given to investigating the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The Watertown presentation took place after AE911Truth’s three day presentation at the Boston Architectural Exposition, educating architects and other attendees on the above facts.
9/11 was used to launch costly wars on terror and dismantle important constitutional rights. In bringing this evidence to the American public, Gage & Lawyer call on all Americans to question the official narrative and do their own research to bring the truth to light.
For those who missed the presentation last week, the film is available for viewing on Youtube. In addition, WCA-TV will be airing it Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 p.m. during the month of December. Further information is available at:
You go, Gail! It’s SO important to bring people’s attention to the still-pivotal events surrounding 9/11 for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of things. Fourteen years and counting. (And 52 years and counting on the JFK thing.)