Musicians Wanted to Perform at 5th Annual Watertown MusicFest

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Friends of Watertown Music welcomes performers of all ages and all musical styles to perform at our fifth Annual Watertown MusicFest from 5:30-9:30 a.m. on Friday, April 8 at Watertown Middle School, 68 Waverley Ave.

MusicFest is a lively and eclectic evening of music with performances on four stages. What makes MusicFest so great is the participation of a variety of performers. Join us!

The event is a Fundraiser to support music in the Watertown Public Schools.

Registration is open to:

  • Musicians of all ages
  • Soloists and groups
  • All musical styles
  • Students, Amateurs, Professionals

Friends of Watertown Music especially welcomes students! (If you need performance suggestions, please ask your music teacher.)

Register at or contact

Please Register by March 28, 2016

Performances can be of any length up to a maximum of 20 minutes

We hope you will come to the Instrument “Petting Zoo” and try out instruments, enjoy the pizza and refreshments, and buy a T-shirt, window decal, or sticker!

Come see any of 50 performances by Watertown’s youngest musicians to professionals on four “stages”

Suggested donation: $8/person or $25/family

Help make this year’s MusicFest an even bigger success!

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