Sheriff Koutoujian Will Speak about the Opioid Crisis at Watertown Dem Event

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Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian will be speaking to the Watertown Democratic Town Committee at their monthly meeting, Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers of the Watertown Town Hall.

The Sheriff will be talking about his work addressing the state’s opioid crisis.
Sheriff Koutoujian has served in that position since he was appointed by then Governor Deval Patrick in 2011. Before that, he represented the 10th Middlesex District in the legislature, which included part of Watertown.

“We’re very pleased that Sheriff Koutoujian is coming back to Watertown to talk about his work on substance abuse and re-entry programming,” said Steve Owens, chair of the Watertown Democratic Town Committee.

The next meeting of the Watertown Democratic Town Committee will be the annual Democratic caucus. It will be held on Sunday, March 13 at 2 p.m. in the Watertown Savings Bank Room of the Watertown Free Public Library. For more information on the caucus or the committee please contact committee chair Steve Owens at or 617-216-5577 or check out their website at

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