Contest for Name, Logo for Cable Show by Overcoming Addiction Groups

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Watertown Overcoming Addiction and Belmont Overcoming Addiction need your help! We have teamed together to help raise more awareness, education, support and hope for those suffering from Substance Use Disorder and for their loved ones.

We will bring these efforts forward with a new cable show addressing this crisis. We are asking Belmont and Watertown High School students to come up with 1) a name for the show; and 2) a logo for the show.

Both should communicate the challenges of Substance Use Disorder and recovery for the individual and their loved ones. The winner for each category will receive a $50 Visa gift card.

All entries must be submitted no later than Friday, March 11 at 5 p.m. All entries should be submitted to

Winner(s) will be announced on March 14, 2016 on both Facebook pages. A special thanks to Watertown-Belmont Chamber of Commerce for supporting our efforts and donating the prizes. We are really looking forward to seeing the creativity from both high schools.

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