Watertown Community Foundation Accepting Applications for Spring Grants

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The Watertown Community Foundation (WCF) announces two Spring 2016 grant programs to support local nonprofits, programs and projects. Approximately $70,000 will be distributed.

One: WCF’s Educational Program will award grants designed to help organizations that serve Watertown develop new or continue existing programs with an educational focus, broadly defined.

Two: WCF’s Institutional Support is designed to help institutions central to the Watertown community by providing funds to maintain critical programming and retain paid staff. Grants under this program impose neither restrictions on the use of funds nor any program requirements.

Eligible organizations may apply for grants of $500 to $5,000. The average grant size is expected to be $1,500-$4,000. All of the grants will be funded by the Foundation’s Watertown Arsenal Education Fund.

The application deadline for both grant programs is April 8, 2016.

Please note: These programs do NOT include funding for the “Healthy Watertown” program. Please contact WCF separately for information about that grant program.

Information and application forms for both grant programs are available on WCF’s website: www.watertownfoundation.org. Also, you may email mschade@watertownfoundation.org, call 617-926-1500 or write to the Watertown Community Foundation, PO Box 334, Watertown MA 02471-0334.

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