Free Audio Technician Workshop Offered by Watertown Cable

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Watertown residents of all ages are invited to sign up for Watertown Cable Access Corporation’s free Audio Technician class beginning on May 23.

In this workshop, attendees will get hands-on training on all of WCA-TV’s audio equipment, including audio mixers, microphones, headsets, and more. Students will also learn best practices for good sound capture and how to troubleshoot any audio issues that may come up.

The class will take place onMonday, May 23rd and continue every Monday until June 6th at WCA-TV’s station. These classes will run from 2:30 PM-4:00 PM. To register for the class, go to and simply create an account to sign up.

Visit to see more classes and other services that WCA-TV offers.

Since 2005, Watertown Cable Access Corp. (WCA-TV) has been Watertown’s Public, Education, & Government Access (PEG) station. Our mission is to provide local cable access to the residents of Watertown MA.

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