Watertown Student Wins Award for Excelling on National Latin Exam

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Christopher Hornbuckle of Watertown earned an award for his performance on the National Latin Exam.

Christopher Hornbuckle of Watertown earned an award for his performance on the National Latin Exam.

Christopher Hornbuckle of Watertown earned an award for his performance on the National Latin Exam.

Watertown’s Christopher Hornbuckle, an 11th grade student at The Newman School in Boston, was just honored with the National Latin Exam’s Silver Maxima Cum Laude award.

The award is based on his strong performance on the test. Sponsored by the American Classical League and National Junior Classic League, the National Latin Exam tests students in the areas of grammar, comprehension, mythology, history and geography, with the goal of encouraging them to pursue studying the Latin language and culture.

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