Watertown Community Foundation Announces New Executive Director

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Watertown Community Foundation

Jennie Bass, executive director of the Watertown Community Foundation.

Jennie Bass, executive director of the  Watertown Community Foundation.

Watertown Community Foundation

Jennie Bass, executive director of the Watertown Community Foundation.

The Watertown Community Foundation is pleased to announce that Jennie Bass is its new Executive Director.

Jennie has over a decade of professional experience in the non-profit sector, most recently at Project Bread, where she has helped towns and cities across the state better use federal nutrition programs by training school administrators and community groups on issues of food insecurity, healthy school meals and federal nutrition assistance. She directed Project Bread’s Child Nutrition Outreach Program and was most recently the Director of Foundation Relations.

Jennie has also done workforce development, helping community colleges, hospitals and health care companies provide training programs and growth opportunities for employees. She has a Master’s of Science in Nutrition and a Master’s in Public Health from Tufts and speaks Spanish. Jennie, her husband and two young children live in Newton and enjoy the outdoors, bike rides, and growing fruits and vegetables.

“We’re very excited about Jennie’s combination of work with communities and schools, her knowledge in an important area of public health and her experience with one of the area’s best-known and most respected non-profits, and are confident Jennie will bring great ideas and leadership to the Foundation” said WCF Co-President Darshna Varia.

Jennie can be reached at 617-926 1500 or Jennie.Bass@WatertownFoundation.org.

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