Summer Family Movie Nights are back at the Watertown Police Station. The events, which are presented by the Watertown Police and Recreation departments, feature other activities and food.
Here are the details:
Watertown Elementary students can bring your friends and family for a night of fun and excitement during the movies hosted by the Watertown Police and Recreation Departments on Friday, July 15 when the movie will be Zootopia , and Friday, Aug. 19 from 6:30-10 p.m. (movie TBA).
The festivities will be held outside in the park at 552 Main St., behind the police statio.
6:30-8 p.m. – Games, Face Painting, snow cones and pizza
8:00 – The Movie will begin!
Please park in the front of the police station.
Did I miss what movies?
No you didn’t miss it. They announce it closed to the dates.