See the Latest Documents Submitted for the Athenahealth Project

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Watertown’s Department of Community Development and Planning released the following links to documents relating to the major renovation of the Arsenal on the Charles by owner Athenahealth. The company will present its plan to the Planning Board on Wednesday, July 13, 2016.

Here is the announcement:

Athenahealth has submitted updated documents for the Campus Master Plan for the Arsenal on the Charles.  A staff report and supporting documents have also been finalized and uploaded.

The new documents include:

  1. Staff Report:
  2. Design Peer Review:
  3. Transportation Peer Review:
  4. Comments received as of June 9 2016:
  5. Updated Special Permit Plans and Documents
  6. Petitioner’s Memo on updates:
  7. Updates Site Plan Review Narrative:
  8. Updated Site Plans:
  9. Transportation Improvements Proposed:
  10. Final Draft Transportation Demand Management Program:

You can also look at the entire list of documents by clicking the link to the project folder.  Please be aware that some of the files are very large and can take a long time to open so please be patient.

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