Watertown Police
Watertown Police Chief Michael Lawn, right, learned about 21st Century Policing during a trip to Washington, DC. He is seen here with Belmont Police Chief Richard McLaughlin, left and Maynard Police Chief Mark Dubois.
The Watertown Police Department is pleased to announce that Police Chief Michael Lawn attended a 21st Century Policing Briefing in Washington, D.C., where President Barack Obama made a guest appearance, to talk about the future of policing.
The White House hosted the fourth in a series of meetings since June for law enforcement officials focused on implementing the recommendations set forth by the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing on July 18.
“My hope is that it’s been useful in giving you some tools and best practices to give you a sense of how departments on the cutting-edge are using data to train officers and engage with the community,” President Obama said at the event. “We also are hopefully hearing from you about what you’ve learned in your experience works and doesn’t work, and where the federal government can partner with your departments and state and local law enforcement officers across the country to do even better.”
More than 150 law enforcement officials were in attendance at the event last week. Chief Lawn traveled to D.C., with Belmont Police Chief Richard McLaughlin, and Maynard Police Chief Mark Dubois.
The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing was established in 2014 to identify best practices that would promote effective crime reduction while building public trust. Findings were released in a final report in May 2015.
“This training allowed police leaders from across the country the forum to exchange thoughts, perspectives and ideas on the President’s Report on 21st Century Policing. It was a privilege to be part of the conversation on where policing in America is heading in our future.” Chief Lawn said.