Watertown Student Receives Nursing Scholarship from Mount Auburn Hospital

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Mount Auburn Hospital

Watertown's Kelly Flynn received a scholarship to study nursing from Mount Auburn Hospital. Here she is pictured with Deborah Baker, RN, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Executive at Mount Auburn Hospital.

Watertown's Kelly Flynn received a scholarship to study nursing from Mount Auburn Hospital. Here she is pictured with Deborah Baker, RN, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Executive at Mount Auburn Hospital.

Mount Auburn Hospital

Watertown’s Kelly Flynn received a scholarship to study nursing from Mount Auburn Hospital. Here she is pictured with Deborah Baker, RN, Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Executive at Mount Auburn Hospital.

Each year, Mount Auburn Hospital awards scholarships to local high school graduates from surrounding towns that are enrolled in nursing school, and one of those receiving the scholarship was a Watertown student.

Kelly Flynn, a Watertown High School graduate and Watertown resident, recently received a scholarship from Mount Auburn Hospital to study nursing at the University of Vermont in the fall.

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