Watertown Residents Can Take Part in Home Solar Discount Program

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From June 15, 2016, to December 31, 2016, Neighborhood Solar offers the communities of Watertown, Cambridge, Belmont, Arlington, and Somerville a solar group purchase discount program, according to resident Jocelyn Tager.

Massachusetts continues to provide excellent incentives for installing solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and the federal government has extended the 30 percent tax credit on renewable energy systems, including solar PV and solar hot water systems. The goal of Neighborhood Solar is to combine these incentives and tax credits with the best solar prices and the best solar quality and craftsmanship. With this in mind, Neighborhood Solar asked SunBug Solar to be its installer.

For the first time, Neighborhood Solar is offering solar hot water systems in addition to photovoltaic systems. Compared to the current cost of residential solar installations in Massachusetts, Neighborhood Solar’s base price on eligible PV systems represents a discount of 23 percent; for solar hot water systems the discount is over 25 percent.

Friends and neighbors using this program can reduce their electrical bill, reduce their carbon footprint, become more energy independent, and invest in renewable energy. In addition to the discounts offered through Neighborhood Solar, the program is designed to take the guesswork and mystery out of considering a solar installation.

This time-limited program is open to all residents, businesses, and nonprofit property owners in Watertown, Cambridge, Arlington, Belmont, and Somerville. Full details are available at www.neighborhoodsolar.org. For more information or to check on eligibility in a neighboring community, please contact Jocelyn Tager at 617-661-6098 or info@neighborhoodsolar.org.

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