The Watertown Special Education Parents Advisory Council will host a workshop about basic rights in special education, the group announced.
The basic rights workshop provides families with an introduction to the rights and responsibilities under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Massachusetts Special Education Law.
The workshop is designed to help parents learn to be effective partners with their child’s school to decide their child’s eligibility for special education and to plan, make decisions and monitor their child’s progress in school.
The meeting is free and open to the public. Child care will be provided.
The discussion will be lead by Faith Morgan, an independent Special Education Advocate who sits on the board of directors of Special Needs Advocacy Network (SPAN).
She is a former teacher and administrator of integrated special education programs, and has a B.S. in Education and a Master’s in Public Policy with an emphasis on family and child policy.
The meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 26 at 6 p.m. at Cunniff Elementary School, 246 Warren St. in Watertown.
For more information call Ellen Bey 617-924-0129 or Maria Baia 617-955-6422.