One thought on “LETTER: Councilor Concerned About Impact of CPA on Homeowners, Renters

  1. Angie, I believe that you crafted the most honest letter from a town councilor on the subject of the CPA to date and it is appreciated. Many of the town councilors who support the CPA keep telling us (the voters) about what they believe to be the positive elements of passing the CPA, but never tell us about the hardships that many home owners and renters will endure. They state that it is only about $10.00 – $20.00 per month, less that the price of a weekly cup of coffee at Starbucks, and that there are exemptions if you are low income or a senior with mid income but they seem to conveniently forget that Watertown is an expensive place to live and even those with very decent incomes also have very high expenses to live here and many of these folks will not qualify for the exemption as (anyone over 18 and not a full time student) will have to count all of your income including such items as disability, social security, interest, child care, etc. But all you can deduct from your income are personal exemption for tax purposes, costs for health insurance, and any out of pocket medical expenses. This will place a burden on these folks as many also have child care expenses, pre-school expenses, college loans to repay, health insurance, and the other costs keep mounting and these will not count towards their exemption status.
    Sorry that my response goes on and on but I am very much against this added CPA tax for luxury items especially when they will add hardships to our citizens. Especially when we know that we will have another tax coming to repair our schools and that is a tax that really benefits all.
    Last I would like to make everyone aware that after completing your form/s to be exempted from the CPA tax you will be REQUIRED to provide copies of your federal and State income taxes to the town and if doe some reason you are not required to file these taxes you will have to produce other types of proof that the income you claimed is accurate. ( Not that I do not trust our local town employees but if the income tax forms or crucial information from them are ever placed on a computer I must worry about that data being hacked)

    Please share with me the exemption guideline from Mr. Driscoll’s Administration Team.

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