LETTER: Rough and Tumble Campaign Over, Now it’s Time to Work Together

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To the editor,

As one of the most vocal opponents of the CPA during the campaign, I’d like to congratulate the proponents on their victory.  

There is no doubt that this campaign was heated.  Often times, hyperbole came from both sides. That’s what happens in a campaign. For those of us who have been involved in politics for years, it’s not surprise, nor do we find anything out of the ordinary. Politics is a blood sport during a campaign.

I also understand that many folks involved in this effort on both sides, haven’t had much experience in political campaigns, so they may find the rough and tumble of a campaign distasteful.

The campaign is over, it’s time to govern. The results are in. We are Constitutional Republic and we accept the results of any legal and legitimate vote.

For those of us who opposed the CPA, it is now up to us to remain vigilante. We must make sure the money is not wasted. We must make sure that no firm that spent money to pass the CPA, receives CPA funded contracts. Most importantly we must hold the Town Council accountable, making sure that they not issue more debt to fund CPA projects.

Those who supported the CPA now have the opportunity to prove me and others who expressed concerns wrong.  It’s their opportunity to show they can be responsible with $2.2 million a year. It’s up to them to show us that the town won’t get into further debt to fund CPA projects.  I wish them well in this endeavor and honestly hope they prove me wrong.

Now it’s time for all of us in Watertown to continue to work together for betterment of our community.

That will sometimes mean we agree and other times we will disagree.  But remaining involved is the most important thing. Quoting my all-time favorite T.V. show – The West Wing: “Decisions are made by those that show up!”


John DiMascio

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