Author Will Discuss U.S. Foreign Policy Under President Trump

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Deborah Donnelley

Author and journalist Stephen Kinzer will speak about his book "The True Flag" at the Watertown Free Public Library.

Deborah Donnelley

Author and journalist Stephen Kinzer will speak about his book “The True Flag” at the Watertown Free Public Library.

Author and journalist Stephen Kinzer will speak about what kind of U.S. foreign policy we can expect under President Trump at an event at the Watertown Free Public Library.

Event: U.S. Foreign Policy: Intervention or Restraint?: What can we expect from President Trump?

Stephen Kinzer, author and journalist, will answer these questions when he discusses his new book The True Flag. The talk will be on Tuesday, February 21 at 7 p.m. at the Watertown Free Public Library, 123 Main St., Watertown.

Stephen Kinzer is an award-winning foreign correspondent whose articles and books have led the Washington Post to place him “among the best in popular foreign policy storytelling.” He has written books about Central America, Rwanda, Turkey and Iran. He writes a world affairs column for The Boston Globe.

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