The Watertown Senior Center has plenty of events during the month of March.
Spring is in the Air!
Spring arrives on March 20 and all of us at the Senior Center are looking forward to warmer temperatures and brighter days. Whether you have visited the Center for a senior parking permit, income tax assistance, the drop-in art class on Mondays with Dawn Scaltreto, a movie on Thursdays, an exercise, yoga, or tai chi class, line dancing, a festive party, SHINE appointment or informative lecture, we are always happy to see you.
The March calendar includes the first in a new series of Lunch and Learn events. The first session will feature a discussion about the Town’s green initiatives by Ed Lewis, Watertown’s Energy Manager. For more Town insight, make sure to mark your calendar for a morning of Coffee and Conversation with our friend, Town Councilor Angeline Kounelis. We have also scheduled a special Potato Bar Lunch hosted by Home Instead, an Irish Cottage Painting event with Dawn Scaltreto, a trip to the New England Flower Show, a Spring flower arranging class and much more. Our games groups are looking for more players. If you enjoy canasta, cribbage, bridge or whist, please stop in. We’ve been listening to you and thank you for your ideas for new programs and services. Please keep the suggestions coming.
Happy Spring! Anne-Marie Gagnon
Ed Lewis, CEM, Energy Manager for the Town of Watertown, is coming to talk with us about the Town’s efforts on going “green.” He will also offer ideas on how to save energy costs in your home. Free sandwiches will be served. WHEN: Wednesday, March 8 TIME: 11:00
Here’s your chance to own a beautiful Irish Cottage—painted by YOU! Dawn Scaltreto will be showing us step by step how to paint a lovely Irish scene. All your supplies are included, and you will be leaving with a 12×14 canvas painting. WHEN: Thursday, March 9 1-3 PM COST: $15.00 This program is funded in part by the Friends of the COA.
What can be more fun than celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with a baked potato bar! There will be a great selection of toppings to choose from to add to your potato and some of your favorite Irish tunes to sing-a-long with Anne Silverman. Sponsored by Home Instead. WHEN: Monday, March 13 TIME: 1:00 PM Space is limited. Pre-registration Required.
We are excited to have District A, East End, Town Councilor, Angeline Kounelis visit us to share in a cup of coffee and an interactive, informal conversation about our community. Angie had long been a community activist in the East End, with the East Watertown Betterment Assoc.; you may remember the group. She will offer her thoughts, and listen to yours, about past, present, and future development and how it relates to our quality of community. WHEN: Wednesday, March 15 TIME: 10:00 AM Pre-registration is requested.
Marita Hartshorn is an experienced crafter who is bringing her expertise to the Senior Center. We will explore various crafts using recycled materials, beads, polymer clay, felted wool etc. The purpose of the class is to have fun, explore using a variety of materials, challenge our creativity and meet other crafters. Marita is donating her time, creativity and energy! Come for one or all 4 classes. WHEN:Monday March 20 & 27 April 3 & 10 TIME: 1:00 PM COST: $ 5.00/class
Join Chris Grande, Walnut Hill Advisors, and Lindsay Quillan, Medicare Mentors, as they outline the mistakes that can cost you more money. Avoid penalties and surcharges, especially those still working. A step by step process to help you come up with the right plans for you. WHEN: Tuesday, March 21 TIME: 11:00—1:00 Pre-registration Required. A Pizza lunch will be offered.
What better way to welcome Spring than to make a wreath to hang on your door, either inside or outside. Add your personal touches to a wreath of grapevine and flowers with help from florist Ernie Berardinelli. Included in the price is all your supplies. WHEN: Wednesday, March 22 TIME: 10:00 PM COST: $10.00 This program is funded in part by the Friends of the COA.
Don’t miss out on the chance to view the beautiful flowers on display at the New England Flower Show. Ernie Berardinelli will be joining us as we view the exhibits. Lunch is on your own at the Chateau Restaurant and you can purchase your show tickets at the door. We will using the Senior Shuttle. Bus seating is limited to 16. WHEN: Thursday, March 23 TIME: 11:30 AM BUS COST: $ 5.00
Destiny, a Labrador Retriever, has been trained as a therapy dog and she volunteers at the Watertown Library and Perkins School for the Blind. She and her owner, Peg Horwitz, will be visiting us onThursday, March 23 at 9:30 AM. Drop by and say hello!
Please join Menotomy Weatherization for information on their Weatherization Program. You may be eligible for this program, which may include free Insulation, Heating System repairs, Annual Heating System tune-ups, Energy Efficient LED light bulbs and new Replacement refrigerators. Act now to reduce your energy costs. Income eligibility guidelines apply. WHEN: Wednesday, March 29 TIME: 10:0AM.
Have you Registered for your Key Tag?
My Senior Center is our new consumer database, which will us better manage programs and services for you.
Ask at the Front Desk for Details and to be entered into the March Raffle!
Income Tax Preparation at the Senior Center
Income tax preparation will be available at the Senior Center for seniors 60 and older. Volunteers, trained at an IRS certified program sponsored by AARP, will provide tax assistance by appointment.
The volunteers are not able to prepare returns that include income from rental property, trusts, partnerships, or businesses. These returns should be handled by a professional tax preparer.
Complex returns will be referred to private tax preparers.
While there is no fee for this service, donations to the Friends of the Watertown COA are gratefully accepted. Call the Senior Center at 617-972-6490 to make an appointment.
How Can SHINE Help You
Are you turning 65 in the next three months? Are you over 65 and planning to retire soon? Do you understand all of your Medicare plan options? Are you having trouble paying for medical expenses and prescription drugs? If any of these apply to you, contact the SHINE (Serving Health InsuranceNeeds of Everyone…on Medicare) program for assistance. SHINE is not just here during Medicare Open Enrollment. Trained volunteers are available all year to help you! They offer free, confidential counseling on all aspects of health insurance to anyone on Medicare. To schedule a SHINE appointment, call the Watertown Senior Center at (617) 972-6490.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 15 at 9:30. WHERE: Senior Center, 31 Marshall Street. Join us to discuss The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kid. Copies of the book are available at the Watertown Free Public Library. This a fictionalized account of the life of abolitionist Sarah Grimke, her sister Nina, and their family slave named Handful. Sarah lives in Charleston, South Carolina. The novel is set in motion on Sarah’s eleventh birthday, when she is given ownership of ten year old Handful, who is to be her handmaid. We follow their remarkable journeys over the next thirty five years, as both strive for a life of their own, dramatically shaping each other’s destinies and forming a complex relationship marked by guilt, defiance, estrangement and the uneasy ways of love. New members are always welcome!
HEALTH SCREENINGS are held on Thursday mornings
March 16 – Podiatry Clinic – 11:00 a.m. Toenails, corns, callus care only. The cost for this service is $25.00 payable to Dr. Alper. Insurance is not accepted.
March 23 – Blood Pressure at 9:30 a.m. by Linda Micklay, R.N. from CareGroup Home Care. Free
MARCH MOVIE MATINEE Come on over and enjoy in our comfortable lounge Thursdays at1:00 p.m. at the Watertown Senior Center, 31 Marshall St.
3/2 The Dressmaker – Driven away when she was young, Tilly Dunnage returns to rural Australia after years of working as a dressmaker in Paris — and she’s ready to make waves in her conservative hometown not only with her haute couture but a hidden agenda. Cast: Kate Winslet, Judy Davis, Liam Hemsworth 2016 R 119 mins.
3/9 The Accountant – Offering two very different skills to his clients, a financial forensics expert and trained assassin goes to work for a tech mogul who’s determined to eliminate those responsible for secretly manipulating the company’s financial records. Cast: Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, J.K. Simmons 2016 R 128 mins.
3/16 Ice Cream Sundaes And Darby O’Gill & the Little People— Irishman Darby O’Gill finds himself face-to-face with magical little people and captures the King of the Leprechauns, who must grant him three wishes. But all the wishes ultimately backfire, with comical results. Cast: Albert Sharpe, Janet Munro, Sean Connery 1959 G 90 mins.
3/23 Sully – Viewers around the world were astonished in 2009 when airline pilot Chesley Sullenberger safely landed an Airbus 320 on the Hudson River after both engines were disabled. This fact-based drama illuminates Sullenberger’s life & heroic achievement. Cast: Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart, Laura Linney 2016 PG-13 96 mins.
3/30 The Girl on the Train – During her daily rail commute, divorcée Rachel Watson observes the happily married couple living in a house near the train route. One day, she witnesses a scene that enrages her — and soon finds herself deeply entangled in the ensuing mystery. Cast: Emily Blunt, Haley Bennett, Rebecca Ferguson 2016 R 112 mins.
Do you know how to play Chess, Cribbage, Canasta, Whist or Bridge? We are looking for players to join our groups as well as gurus who can help our players beat their teammates! Call the Senior Center for more information.
Are you interested in playing? Call the Senior Center for more information at 617-972-6490.
MONDAY EXERCISE – Exercise class with Shannon Lee Jones. Exercises include muscle strengthening, light-stretching, balance and posture improvement, and low-impact aerobics; all done to your favorite tunes! TIME: 11:00 AM COST: $4.00
TUESDAY EXERCISE – Exercise class with Joanna Grubel. Join the fun! Regular exercise can improve circulation, help to strengthen bones, Increase muscle mass, reduce joint stiffness, and improve general health. TIME: 9:30 AM COST: $4.00
TUESDAY CHAIR EXERCISE – This group meets weekly for support and to socialize. Class is led by audio tape. TIME: 10:00 AM COST: FREE TUESDAY LINE DANCING – Get up and get moving with this fun bunch! TIME: 11:15 AM COST: $5.00
WEDNESDAY EXERCISE – Exercise class with Henry Oliveras. Whether it’s to get stronger, loosen up, or just get moving, give it a try! TIME: 11:00 AM COST: $4.00 or pay in advance 10 sessions for $35.00.
THURSDAY YOGA – Led by experienced yoga teacher, Henry Oliveras, LMT, this class uses a chair or you can bring your own mat and provides a gentle stretch and limbering for the body to improve balance and restore the mind. TIME: 10:00 AM COST: $4.00 or pay in advance 10 sessions for $35.00.
FRIDAY EXERCISE – Exercise Class with Henry Oliveras. TIME: 10:40 AM COST: $4.00 or pay in advance 10 sessions for $35.00.
FRIDAY TAI CHI – Tai Chi with Marie Favorito. Practice of Tai Chi provides great health benefits: improved posture, balance, circulation, metabolism, strengthened immune system, strengthened heart energy, improved neuromuscular function, and improved brain function. TIME: 12:30 pm. COST: Drop-in $5.00.
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The Watertown Senior News is published monthly. Click here to download the March 2017 issue: