Charlie Breitrose
The Memorial Day Parade will have a wide variety of participants.
Watertown’s Memorial Day Parade will be held on Monday, and will include some special guests, including the family of fallen Watertown Firefighter Joseph Toscano.
The parade begins at noon on Monday at the corner of Mt. Auburn and Arlington streets, and ends in front of Town Hall on Main Street. Following the parade a ceremony will be held at Saltonstall Park, next to Town Hall.
Here are the participants in the 2017 parade:
Watertown Police Department
Waltham American Legion Band
Gold Star Mothers (Watertown Ford)
25th Marines Honor Guard
Shutt Detachment
Naval Sea Cadets
Middlesex Sherriff’s Office Honor Guard
New England Band Drum Corp
Family of Fire Fighter Joseph Toscano
Watertown Fire Department
The Honorable Few (motorcycles)
Merrimack Valley Military Vehicle Group
Ancient Order of the Hibernians
AOH Drum and Pipe Band
DAV Van (Dennis Gill) Amvets Post 14
Watertown Son’s of Italy
Watertown Provincial Guard
North End Marching Band Of Boston
Watertown Town and Local Officials
Watertown Savings Bank
The National Lancers
Recreation Department
Blue Bells
DM Productions (DJ Dan McCarthy)
Scouts of Watertown (Troop 30)
Girl Scouts of Eastern Mass. Troop 79196
Watertown Youth Soccer
Watertown Youth Lacrosse
Watertown Youth Hockey
Watertown Baseball and Girls Softball
New England Band Productions Windjammers
Launch Trampoline Park