The new configuration of ramps on the Mass. Pike/Rte. 128 (I-95) interchange in Weston which opens June 23.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has announced that on the evening of Friday, June 23, it will open a newly constructed on-ramp in Weston for vehicles traveling from I-90 (the Massachusetts Turnpike) westbound onto Route 128/I-95 north and southbound. This ramp opening is part of the ongoing work to reconstruct the interchange where toll plazas were removed last fall.
In order to facilitate the change this weekend, MassDOT will also close the off-ramp from I-90 westbound onto Park Road and South Avenue/Route 30 westbound beginning on Friday evening for approximately one week.
“We are pleased to reach this milestone in rebuilding the Weston interchange,” said Acting Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “Drivers should be aware that as of Friday night there will be a new path of travel in certain directions at the Weston interchange and should also be mindful of the detour route as the off-ramp from I-90 westbound to local roadways will be closed for one week.”
The new ramp will provide additional merging space for traffic entering Route 128/I-95 north and southbound and create a safer connection between the two major interstates. Appropriate signage will be in place and drivers are encouraged to devote their full attention to driving through this location.
The detour route for traffic looking to access Park Road and Route 30/South Avenue westbound from I-90 westbound is as follows:
- Follow signs and proceed along the newly built ramp from I-90 westbound which direct traffic for Route 95/128 Northbound, Route 30: N.H. – Maine, Points North
- Follow the ramp as you pass over the Charles River in a sharp bend
- Bear right for Exit 24/Route 30
- At the top of the hill, proceed left for Route 30 West – Wayland
- Proceed straight to the second traffic light. Take a left for Park Road or continue straight to stay on Route 30/South Ave.