MassDOT Holding 2 Meetings About Commonwealth Ave. Bridge Replacement

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The Massachusetts Department of Transportation announced it will be hosting two Pre-Construction Public Meetings for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project:

Tuesday, July 11, 6:30 PM Boston University College of General Studies Jacob Sleeper Auditorium (Lower Level, Room 129) 871 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA

Thursday, July 13, 6:30 PM Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium 330 Homer Street, Newton, MA

The same presentation will be delivered at each meeting, so participants may choose the most convenient date or location.

Please join the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for a presentation on the upcoming major construction activities for the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project. MassDOT and project team staff will describe the Summer 2017 Construction Shutdown (July 26 – August 14) in more detail, review detour routes, and respond to questions. During the shutdown, there will be significant service impacts to all modes of transportation along Commonwealth Avenue in the BU/Saint Paul Street neighborhood and on I-90 (Mass Pike).

Please visit the project website,, for a full schedule of the upcoming closures, detour routes and maps, and to sign up for project updates.

The project will replace the concrete deck and steel beams that carry Commonwealth Avenue and the MBTA Green “B” Line over I-90 and the MBTA Commuter Rail.  The replacement will restore the deteriorating bridge while adding functional and safety improvements, including utility relocations, dedicated bike lanes, and extensive pedestrian upgrades.

These meetings are accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language). For more information or to request reasonable accommodations and/or language services, please contact Emily Christin at or 617-357-5772 x16. For TTY, please call 857-368-0655 and ask to speak with someone about the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge Replacement Project.

If information is needed in another language, please contact Emily Christin at 617-357-5772 x16, or Caso necessite de informações em outro idioma, favor entrar em contato com Emily Christin pelo fone 617-357-5772, ramal 16 ou

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