Town Holding Community Discussion on Airplane Noise Over Watertown

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Mark Garfinkel

Airplane noise has become a problem in Watertown Logan Airport began using a new system called R-NAV.

Mark Garfinkel

Airplane noise has become a problem in Watertown after the opening of a new runway at Logan Airport.

Watertown residents will have their chance to be heard about noise from airplanes heading to and from Logan Airport at a community meeting. 

The Town sent out the following announcement:

Join Senator Will Brownsberger, Representative Jon Hecht, and District A Councilor Angie Kounelis for a discussion about Airport noise in Watertown

Date:  July 25, 2017
Place:  Coolidge School Apartments, 319 Arlington Street, Watertown
Time:  7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Cost:  Free and Open to the Public


Greetings/Introductions – All

History/Review – Andrea Adams, Watertown Senior Planner, Town’s Representative to the MassPort Community Advisory Committee (10 minutes)

Recent Studies – Myron Kassaraba, Town of Belmont’s MassPort Community Advisory Committee Member (15 minutes)

Legislative Efforts
Watertown District A Councilor Angeline B. Kounelis (10 minutes)
Representative Jon Hecht (10 minutes)
Senator Will Brownsberger (10


Community Discussion

Call to Action/Adjourn

2 thoughts on “Town Holding Community Discussion on Airplane Noise Over Watertown

  1. Where is this noise to go? It’s a fact of life and we have to deal with it from time to time. Increased air traffic means increased air pollution. Hecht and Brownsberger will come in, be sympathetic and well, that’s it. I still chuckle thinking about the time when Kounelis said that the noise is so bad that she cannot sit outside and have dinner on a nice night. That’s a gross exaggeration. I live in the neighborhood and though annoying at times, the noise is no where what the councilor claims.

  2. I do need to stop a conversation if outside when a plane is accelerating up(or shout). There may be some mitigation that can be done as to when they pitch up to. accelerate, from the what I’ve read. Yes this is and may be a new unfortunate hit on the Quality of life here therefore we should ask questions and discuss mitigation if at all possible IMO. I have been woken from sleep about 1206 am a couple times with the windows open as it sounds like a plane is dropping down into our home…FYI don’t normally wake up otherwise. Sounds bounce off differently in different locations. I welcome a discussion on possible mitigation solutions to lessen the noise.

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