Free Mental Health First Aid for Youth Classes Presented by Mount Auburn Hospital

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Mount Auburn Hospital will host a free mental health first aid for youth program starting on Wednesday.

The hospital put out the following information:

WHAT: Although many individuals may know CPR and could assist someone having a heart attack, not as many may know how to assist a young person experiencing a mental health related challenge or crisis. Mount Auburn Hospital recognizes this concern and beginning in August, the hospital is pleased to sponsor a free Mental Health First Aid for Youth program. The 8-hour training program aims to help parents, educators, and others who work with youth learn how to provide initial help to them when it comes to a mental health or addictions challenge.

In addition to teaching how to initially help someone who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge, this program will also teach how to help in a crisis. You will learn:

1.     Risk factors and warning signs of mental health challenges common among youth

2.     How to support a youth developing signs of mental illness

3.     A 5-step action plan on how to help in both crisis and non-crisis situations

WHEN: One 8-hour training sessions, spread over two days, starting in early August. Attendees must be able to attend both sessions.

·      Wednesday, August 2, 2017 8:30am-12:30pm

·      Wednesday, August 9, 2017 8:30am-12:30pm

WHERE: Somerville Center for Adult Learning Experience 167 Holland Street Somerville, MA 02144

COST: This course is free. Registration is required for this class. To enroll, contact theCommunity Health Department at 617-629-5500.

Mount Auburn Hospital was founded in 1886. A teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, its mission is to deliver healthcare services in a personable, convenient and compassionate manner, with respect for the dignity of patients and their families.

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