Watertown’s Joshua Reed will run the Falmouth Road Race for the Joe Andruzzi Foundation.
The Joe Andruzzi Foundation (JAF) – an organization committed to solving the financial distress a cancer diagnosis can cause in the lives of patients and families throughout New England – is pleased to announce that Joshua Reed of Watertown will run this year’s New Balance Falmouth Road Race in support of the Foundation’s mission.
The Foundation sent out the following release:
On Sunday, August 20, over 60 “Team JAF” runners will take strides against cancer and represent the Foundation in the scenic 7-mile run through the heart of Cape Cod. Last year’s team raised more than $100,000 for the Foundation and the 2017 team hopes to go even higher.
Joshua Reed is looking forward to taking on the Falmouth race for the first time and doing so for a wonderful cause. Reed is eager to help JAF continue to offer needed assistance to cancer patients. Reed is blessed to be surrounded by several cancer survivors, including his grandmother who recently celebrated her 88th birthday and her 28th-year cancer free. His grandmother will be in his thoughts as he crosses the Falmouth finish line.
“We are thrilled to have Josh as a Foundation ambassador and are thankful for all he is doing to further our mission,” said Jen Andruzzi, Executive Director of JAF. “Josh’s efforts are directly benefitting cancer patients and families in need. We are grateful for the efforts our runners are making to prepare for this race and we are excited to come together this August to take on the course for a great cause.”
Reed will continue to reach out to family and friends for fundraising support. To help Reed reach his goal of raising $2,000, visit his fundraising page here.
About The Joe Andruzzi Foundation
The Joe Andruzzi Foundation is committed to providing help, hope, and a reason to smile for New England- based cancer patients and their families by contributing financial and emotional support when it is needed most. Founded in 2008 by former New England Patriots three-time Super Bowl Champion offensive guard Joe Andruzzi and his wife Jen, the Joe Andruzzi Foundation grew out of Joe’s own successful battle with cancer and the couple’s ongoing work with young cancer patients. In 2007, Joe’s football career abruptly ended when he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s Burkitt’s lymphoma. Disease-free less than a year later, Joe and Jen chose to dedicate their lives towards solving the financial distress a cancer diagnosis can cause in the lives of patients and families. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit: joeandruzzifoundation.org or visit our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages.