Works of 2 Artists Features in Watertown Gallery’s Exhibition: Stillness

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Watertown art gallery Room 83 Spring announced its latest exhibition, Stillness, featuring the works of Phyllis Berman and Anne Lilly.

Show dates:

Sept. 9 to Oct. 28

Reception Saturday, Sept 9, 4 – 6

Gallery Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays 1 – 4

And always by appointment.

Equilibrium, transformation,  surprise, and stillness at ROOM 83 Spring.

Kinetic sculptor Anne Lilly uses carefully engineered motion to shift and manipulate our perceptions of time, space and energy. Her steel sculptures move you. Sit across from someone with the tall mirrors of TO SEE moving slowly back and forth between you, and experience an out-of-body transformation as you morph into the other person and back into yourself. Anne’s work crosses the line between art and science. She was a visiting artist at MIT and created artworks for a yearlong exhibition of kinetic art at the MIT Museum. She has received many grants and awards, including the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Grant Award for Lifetime Achievement.  She is in numerous museum collections, and shows her work nationwide.

Phyllis Berman’s flawless paintings of plumb bobs and other singular objects represent time and gravity. She has a lively on-going conversation with art history. Her work puts you in a timeless place of observing light, shadow and color, undisturbed by any hint of her hand or her meticulous process. Her signature works are frontal compositions that balance abstract design with crisply modeled forms in a circumscribed space. She was awarded grants from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts, among others, and is in collections around the country.

Together, and in very different ways, these artists deal with machined metal objects, gravity, composition and space in this show of stillness at ROOM 83 Spring.

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