DPW, Stormwater Group to Discuss Steps Being Taken to Improve the Charles River

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Find out what steps the Town of Watertown is taking to make the Charles River healthier.

On Thursday, Sept. 14, the Watertown Department of Public Works and the Stormwater Advisory Committee will host a session where the public can learn about Green Infrastructure in Action. The meeting will be on Sept. 14 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers Town Hall, 149 Main Street.

The DPW and Stormwater Advisory Committee sent out the following announcement:

Stormwater from the Town’s drainage system flows directly to the Charles River without treatment and is one of many contributors to pollution in the river.

Green infrastructure is an approach to managing stormwater.

Instead of flowing through downspouts, pipes, and other engineered systems directly to water bodies, green infrastructure uses vegetation, soils, and other natural elements to reduce the amount of stormwater and stormwater pollutants.

Join the Watertown Department of Public Works and the Stormwater Advisory Committee to learn about green infrastructure. We will focus on:

  • Where can green infrastructure be used in Watertown?
  • Where has green infrastructure already being implemented in Watertown?
  • Potential concepts for green infrastructure at the Hosmer School and the Department of Public Works.
  • How are development projects improving stormwater through green infrastructure and other practices?

Visit the project website at:

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