Councilor At-Large Michael Dattoli and his family. Dattoli is running for re-election in November.
Dear neighbors,
I am currently in my first term as a Watertown Councilor At-Large. Throughout
the past two years, I have worked to create positive outcomes for residents
through my involvement advocating for school building improvements, open
space, housing affordability, and increased transparency.
During this period, the residential exemption was increased for homeowners for
the first time in fifteen years, as were affordable housing and LEED sustainability
requirements for many new development projects. Members of police and fire
departments are now both carrying Narcan, and several new town positions were
created and funded in the recent budget for Recreation, the Library’s Hatch, and
wellness services. The town has a new ambulance, which accommodates the
recently implemented Advanced Life Services (ALS) program. The town has
achieved many economic and service goals with the budget, including another
nearly five percent increase for public education.
Many challenges are yet to be resolved. Anticipated changes at Victory Field,
Arsenal Park, and Filippello are currently being discussed, with many prioritized
capital improvement projects yet to be funded. The discussions around acquiring
new land for open spaces, along with remedies to school buildings in response to
our greater educational needs, are nearly beyond infancy. Arsenal Street, and its
connection to Watertown Square and beyond, in many instances, has worsened.
During my first term, I have also provided a voice of dissonance when necessary,
such as voting against a new Regional Mixed-Use District (RMUD) zoning district.
The need for a more comprehensive transportation plan, coupled with my
personal trepidations around the size of the proposed region, prompted my
dissatisfaction with the zoning change. Arsenal Yards will improve the physical
use of the land that was once occupied by the Arsenal Mall, however the future
impact of the entire district on our community and the surrounding
neighborhoods remains unclear. I have also had similar reservations regarding
other proposed zoning changes and economic decisions, such as a marijuana
dispensary on Elm Street or the sale of town property such as the East Branch
As your Town Councilor, I look forward continuing to work with residents and
Town Administration on these issues. Please join me at a Meet and Greet event on Thursday, September 21st from 7:00–8:30 p.m. at Fit Z’s located at 451 Main
Street . If you would like to know more about my campaign, voting record, or
discuss the current status of a particular town initiative, please contact me at 617-
999-5333 or via email at michaeldattoli@gmail.com.
Michael Dattoli
Town Councilor At-Large, Candidate for Re-Election
Carroll Street
You have my vote!