Community Foundation Awards Healthy Watertown Grants to 5 Local Groups

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The Watertown Community Foundation announced it has awarded $8,600 to five community organizations in December 2017 through its Healthy Watertown grant program.

These funded everything from a new freezer and display tables for the food pantry to taxi rides for participants in the Senior Center’s events and Narcan for the Watertown Police Department to distribute.

“Health concerns virtually every aspect of our lives, from nutrition and positive eating choices, to substance use and abuse, to social engagement as we age.
These grants reflect that breadth of issues, and we’re thrilled to be able to make them for the fifth year,” said co-Vice President Emily Barclay.

In addition to the Watertown Food Pantry, the Watertown Senior Center and the Watertown Police Department, recipients also included the W.A.T.E.R.Town Task Force for Substance Abuse Disorder and Live Well Watertown. The Watertown Community Foundation makes grants to strengthen the community’s connections, and since its founding in 2003 the Foundation has given out over $835,000.

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