Cancer Won’t Stop Mount Auburn Hospital Nurse from Helping Newborns at Christmas

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A 45-year-old Mount Auburn Hospital maternity nurse battling stage 3 brain cancer is giving back to the hospital’s newborns in a big way. But not alone. Here’s a true story of holiday friendship, according to the hospital. 

Over the past month Framingham resident, Patricia White, with the help of Mount Auburn Hospital maternity nurse and Leominster resident, Jane Dubrule, has assembled over 70 newborn baby gifts, each including a handmade fleece swaddling blanket and an ornament. Each gift is given to the families of newborns at the hospital throughout the month of December.

Not only has Jane Dubrule purchased supplies for the gifts, helped Patricia White with the parts that required fine motor skills, and delivered them to families at the hospital together her and fellow nurses have donated their vacation time to allow Patricia White time to rest and relax. Just a great holiday story of friends helping friends in a time of need.

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