A robin explores a life-friendly flower garden. A tour of these gardens will be held in Watertown.
Organizers of the Life-Friendly Garden Tour sent out the following announcement:
Imagine a Sunday afternoon in May, redbud and dogwood in blossom, tulips and late narcissus in bloom, where bees are buzzing, robins are singing, and either you are welcoming others to enjoy and learn from your chemical-free garden or yard, or you are the visitor, viewing flourishing plantings and learning from your host or hostess about healthy, earth-friendly gardens.On Sunday May 6 from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m., a chemical-free, admission-free garden tour will be sponsored by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice, and the Environment. This will be the 20th Life-Friendly Garden Tour since the first one in 2007.
Owners of the sites on the tour will share their growing spaces, large and small, where plants of all kinds thrive best without the use of synthetic chemicals – pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. “Cide” means kill and these products threaten the wellbeing of plants and animals, and of the planet. Synthetic fertilizers do indeed feed the plant, but at the expense of the soil, which it degrades. Visitors will see that plants are fed best by compost, which in turn, thanks to natural micro-organisms, nurtures disease-resistant and insect-resistant plants. Feeding and nurturing living organisms in the soil also sequesters carbon. Visitors return to their own gardens confident in setting aside toxins.
If you have a space to include on the tour please go to the sign up page at
http://watertowncitizens.org/gardentour. Enter your name, address, and a brief description of your planting by March 26. If you want more information please contact gardentour@watertowncitizens.org or call Henrietta Light at 617-926- 2545.