Watertown Rotary Club
Some of the more than 40 volunteers for the Watertown Rotary Club’s Service Saturday.
The Watertown Rotary held their first Service Saturday, this past Saturday, February 24. Over 40 were in attendance, according to a write up from Watertown Rotary.
The day started out at The Watertown Boys and Girls Club where projects sites were described. The five service sites included Wayside Youth Center, The Residence at Watertown Square, Watertown Health Center, The Carroll
Center for the Blind and The Harvard Square Homeless Shelter. Volunteers then divided into teams and went off to their sites where they cleaned, organized, made health packets, painted and spent time with elderly patients. After the service project was over, all gathered back at The Watertown Boys and Girls Club to share their experiences and discuss why they all came out today.
“I simply enjoy helping people. I feel it’s best for my actions to speak for me,” said Jack Sullivan.

Watertown Rotary
Volunteers at Service Saturday, organized by Watertown Rotary, pack bags with supplies.
“Real happiness is helping others. I joined the Rotary Club mainly for community service andwas happy that I was able to participate in our first Service Saturday!” said Deb Boyajian.
Sanjay Deshpande said: “My daughter, Ankita, and I were happy to work at the Wayside Youth Center assembling health packets and helping with re-organizing the closet. It is always fun to work with Rotarians from different clubs and we were happy to have had a chance to make a difference in the lives of Watertown youths who will go to the Center in the future.”
“Who doesn’t like helping others? If you are a Rotarian it is in your blood. It was a privilege serving in the community and it was a lot of fun!” said an unknown commenter.

Watertown Rotary
Volunteers painted walls of a local non-profit during Watertown Rotary’s Service Saturday.
“Service Saturday was a great opportunity for Rotarians and community members to come together and give back to organizations that do so much for the people of Watertown and surrounding communities. It was events like these that inspired me to join Rotary and participate in activities for the betterment of our community,” said Anthony Donato.
If interested in finding out more about the Watertown Rotary or future service projects, please visit https://portal.clubrunner.ca/3702