Historical Society Hosting Talk by Archeologist on Colonial Burying Grounds

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The Historical Society of Watertown will present on April 11, 2018 (rescheduled from March 21, 2018), “Colonial Burying Grounds: Interpreting the Passed for the Present,” a slideshow talk given by Barbara Donohue.

It will be held at The Coolidge School Apartments Auditorium, 319 Arlington Street, Watertown, MA 02472 at 7:00 p.m. Barbara Donohue is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and received her Master’s Degree in History/Historic Archaeology from UMass-Boston. In her presentation, she will relate the function of the buying ground in Puritan society compared with its function in today’s

In addition, Ms. Donohue will discuss some of the fascinating, forgotten stories she has found while conducting research for Preservation Management Plans for colonial burying grounds as well as for her book, Copp’s Hill: Evolution of a Puritan Burial Place 1659—The Present. Copies of Ms. Donohue’s book will be available for purchase.

The meeting is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Joyce at 781-899- 7239.

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