Longwood Players’ production of “Next to Normal” explores how families cope with mental illness.
Watertown’s Joy Lamberton-Arcolano will direct The Longwood Players’ production of the Pulitzer and Tony award winning rock opera Next to Normal.
Longwood provided the following information about the production:
Longwood strives to share theatre that is artistically interesting, intellectually stimulating and socially compelling. We want you to leave the theatre full of questions and conversation.
Next to Normal is an ideal vehicle for these guiding principles as we get to peek inside the life of Pinterest obsessed DIYer Diana, a “normal” suburban housewife with bipolar disorder “trying to keep the plates all spinning”. We are immersed in her interactions with her architect husband Dan, who believes he can build his family to perfection, her genius daughter, Natalie, who struggles to find peace and escape from her mother’s manic episodes in classical music as well as in her relationship with Henry, her new boyfriend, a jazz improvisationalist. Diana also has an ideal mother-son relationship with her first born, Gabe, who plays in a jazz band, on the football team, and still has time for Key Club (and his Instagram feed). In the midst of her busy family life, Diana also spends quality time with her psychopharmacologist.
Next to Normal opens April 19th and runs until the 28th.
Part of Longwood’s 20th season, will be at the Chelsea Theatre Works, 189 Winnisimmet St., Chelsea, MA 02150.
Tickets can be purchased below:
Premium and General Tickets Here
Pay it Forward Ticket Packages – if you can afford an extra $15 on your regular ticket price you can send a student from Room 13 to see this show, which will be the first time they’ve ever seen professional, live theatre in their lives. Our other community partner is Opening Doors to the Arts which serves low-income members of the local mental health recovery community with free or low-cost tickets to arts and entertainment opportunities. If we sell more of these packages than our partners need our extra student/community tickets they will go to Chelsea High School Drama program students.
If you’d like to donate funds to support Room 13 or Opening Doors to the Arts but you aren’t buying tickets because you can’t come to the show you can donate here and put in notes that you’d like the money earmarked for student tickets for Next to Normal.