Watertown residents are invited to join walks around town each Thursday through May 16, and enter to win a gift certificate to the Watertown Farmers Market.
The following information was provided by Live Well Watertown:
Live Well Watertown Walking Series
Lunchtime Walks
Wednesdays, April 25th – May 16, 12:00 – 12:45 p.m.
Explore Watertown’s neighborhoods on foot! Walkers will meet at Saltonstall Park and walk a different route each week. Walks led by Live Well Committee Members – the pace will be moderate. Walk-ins welcome!
Late Day Series
Tuesdays, June 5th, from 5:15 – 6:00pm
Explore Watertown’s riverfront pathways going east and west. Walkers will meet at the dock in Watertown Square, at the corner of Charles River Road and Galen St. Walks led by Linda Corinne, Watertown resident and walk enthusiast. Walk pace will be moderate. Walk-ins welcome!
Contact Stephanie, Community Wellness Program Manger at:
svenizelos@watertown-ma.gov or 617-972- 6446 for more information
Walking Challenge
Walk 150 Minutes Each Week & Enter to win a $25 gift certificate to the Watertown Farmers’ Market!
April 23 – May 18
To Enter:
1. Get out and walk! Whether it’s individually, with friends, walking your dog, or as part of one of our weekly walk series (see above) – walk 150 minutes each week.
2. Take a photo of yourself, the scenery, or anything else fun from your walks each week and post the photo to Instagram with the hashtag #watertownmoves and tag @livewellwatertown OR Email svenizelos@watertown-ma.gov your photo or a description of your progress from the week.
3. Every Friday during the challenge, a winner will randomly be chosen from participants.
Individuals can enter once each week.