Watertown Community Foundation
Representatives from the groups which received grants from the Watertown Community Foundation at the gala at Mosesian Center for the Arts.
The Watertown Community Foundation provided the following announcement:
Watertown Community Foundation held its annual spring grant awards evening at the Mosesian Center for the Arts on Thursday June 7. The following grants were
awarded in two categories:Program Grants awards grants designed to help organizations that serve Watertown, develop new or continue existing programs with an educational focus (broadly defined). These are programs that operate outside of the Watertown’s public schools.
Charles River Conservancy — Conservancy Volunteers Program
The Charles River Conservancy supports the Conservancy Volunteer’s programs efforts in the Charles River Parklands in Watertown.
The Plumbing Museum — Comedy Play Fest at the Plumbing Museum
The Plumbing Museum will present a program of short plays inspired by materials in the Plumbing Museum and bring theater to new audiences in an unexpected venue.
World in Watertown — 2019 Watertown Unity Breakfast
World in Watertown hosts Watertown’s annual celebration of the life and legacy of
Dr. Martin Luther King, an open and welcoming event that brings together Watertown residents, businesses, community organizations, and schools in a celebration of Dr. King’s life commitment to social, economic, and racial justice.
Revels, Inc. — Revels Summer Theatre Workshop
An Exploration of all Aspects of Theatrical Production Revels will provide tuition to
four Watertown students for the Revels Summer Theater Workshop, a two-week
theater experience targeted to Watertown youth, in partnership with the Watertown
Boys and Girls Club, focusing on bringing traditions to life through song, dance and drama by creating a play about people immigrating to America which will be
performed & interpreted by children for children.
Trees for Watertown—Teens for Trees
This youth leadership and education program provides a dozen Watertown teens with an opportunity to learn about and advocate for the benefits of public shade trees through community engagement and outreach.
Institutional Support Grants are designed to help institutions central to the
Watertown community by providing funds to maintain critical programming and
retain paid staff. Grants under this program impose neither restrictions on the use of funds nor any program requirements.
Springwell, Inc. — Nutrition Programs for Watertown Seniors
Springwell provides hot, nutritious meals to low-income, vulnerable Watertown
seniors, and educates seniors about nutrition and the role that good food choices can play in their continued health and independence.
Watertown Boys and Girls Club — Institutional Grant
Operational funding will continue to provide programs and services to all youth in
Watertown who wish to participate in their programs regardless of their family’s
ability to pay.
Wayside Multi-Service Center — Willow Park After-School Enrichment Program
The Wayside Multi-Service Center provides an After-School Enrichment Program
offered to children ages 6-16 living in Watertown Public Housing.
Watertown Free Public Library — Hatch Makerspace Core Programs
Hatch will continue the successful programming offered on the laser cutter, vinyl
cutter, sewing, 3D printing, and other equipment.
New Repertory Theatre, Inc. — Institutional Grant
New Repertory Theatre’s 2018-2019 Season will continue its impact on Watertown
residents, including special efforts to reach its seniors, students, and patrons with
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) (formerly known as the Watertown Family Network)
Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE), will provide a full year of high quality early childhood programing for the youngest children in Watertown and their caregivers.
Perkins School for the Blind — Watertown Newspaper Accessibility Project
The Perkins Library provides audio and online access to the local newspaper The
Watertown Tab & Press for people who are blind or visually impaired so they can remain engaged with the local community and stay up to date on current events.
The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts — Institutional Grant
The Mosesian Center for the Arts, formerly the Arsenal Center for the Arts, will
support general operating expenses to continue to deliver on their mission of opening doors to excite and inspire diverse audiences and artists to create, appreciate, participate and grow through the arts.
Parent Child Home Program—Home Visiting
The Parent Child Home Program will provide a full program year (30 weeks) of twice weekly home visits and educational materials to two educationally high-needs
Metro West Collaborative Development — Affordable Housing Efforts in Watertown
Metro West CD serves as a resource for Watertown residents seeking affordable
housing, for Watertown community groups seeking to advocate for affordable housing and develop new affordable housing communities to increase the supply of units for low and moderate income people.
Friends of Project Literacy — Critical Service Extensions for Beginner and
Intermediate Level Students
Friends of Project Literacy will continue to provide critical service extensions
including a full year Saturday class for our beginner students who have week-day
commitments, and summer beginner and intermediate classes for parents of children in the Watertown schools.
About the Watertown Community Foundation
The Watertown Community Foundation, a public, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, works to build and sustain a vibrant, close-knit community in Watertown – now, and for future generations. To accomplish this, WCF raises funds from individuals, families, businesses, and foundations; awards grants to non-profits and community projects; and builds networks of donors, grantees, program participants, and stakeholders.
WCF and its grantees are consistent leaders:
• Advancing education and health
• Supporting the most vulnerable
• Encouraging creativity and the arts
• Protecting the environment
• Fostering community engagement and leadership
Since its inception in 2003, WCF has awarded close to $1 million in grants to
programs and organizations serving the residents of Watertown. Persons interested in supporting WCF should contact Jan Singer, Executive Director.
WCF Board of Directors
Co-Presidents David Siegel and Darshna Varia, Co-Vice Presidents Kathryn White
and Emily Barclay, William B. Ford, Treasurer, Robert Airasian, Albrik Avanessian,
Andrew Bundy, Eleanor Donato, Elaina Griffith, Robert Kelly, Mary Ann Mulligan,
Lora Sabin, Thea Sahr, Robert Shay, Hala Tabbara, CL Tian, Michael Ward. For
additional information, visit WCF’s website: http://www.watertownfoundation.org