Watertown Citizens
Candleboats float on the Charles River in Watertown in memory of those who died in the nuclear bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The following announcement was submitted by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice & the Environment:
Please join us for a remembrance of the nuclear attack on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the U.S. in 1945 killing over 210,000 and causing misery for thousands of survivors.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
7:30 p.m. – Silent Vigil – Watertown Square
8:00 p.m. – Music and Testimonials
8:30 p.m. – Launching of the Candle boats – Watertown Dock
Recommit to the Iran Nuclear Agreement
The Iran Nuclear Agreement of 2015 is a major step in stemming the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Reached after years of difficult negotiation, the agreement stands as an example what diplomacy can achieve. The United States’ decision to withdraw from the agreement is in sharp contrast to this diplomatic achievement. For the sake of the world and in memory of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the U.S. must recommit to this historic agreement.
Support a Nuclear Free Korean Peninsula
The recent meeting between South Korea and North Korea and the unprecedented and historic summit between the U.S. and North Korea must be applauded. We must, again in honor of the nuclear victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, work to advance these initial steps with the hopes that that all Koreans can live on a nuclear free peninsula and serve as an example what serious negotiation and diplomacy can achieve.
Sponsored by Watertown Citizens for Peace, Justice and the Environment, New England American Friends Service Committee, Mass Peace Action, and Survival Education Fund, Inc.
Visit www.watertowncitizens.org and www.facebook.com/WatertownCitizensPJE
For a listing of other activities in the Boston area remembering the events of August 6 and 9, visit www.masspeaceaction.org